Newsletter 5 - 28th March
Principal's News
Dear Parents,
May you share in the joys and sorrows of Holy Week as we lead into the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ at Easter.
Let us pray,
We thank you for the gift of your son, Jesus Christ, who rose from the dead and redeemed humankind. Fill us with the fire of the Holy Spirit, that we may be faithful disciples and enthusiastic witnesses of our Catholic faith. Alleluia, Christ is risen! He is risen, indeed.
Faith Formation
Year Two Family Mass – Palm Sunday:
Thank you to Mrs Smyth, Miss Stribley, Mrs Gratte/Groom, Miss Bowen & Mr O'Malley who prepared our year two children so beautifully to lead the parish in our first family mass of the year. A huge thank you also to our wonderful year two children and their families for their reverence, clear reading, beautiful singing and their prayerful participation.
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Congratulations to our year three students who have made their 'First Confession' at their Sacrament of Reconciliation with Father Gerard and Father Savio during the past two weekends. The children were excellently prepared and supported by their classroom teachers and their families. A special thanks to Miss D'Souza, Miss Burro, Mrs Westlake & Miss Bowen for all the work they put into preparing the children and organising this Sacramental Program.
Stations of the Cross
Year 5T & Mrs Schneider led the school in the Stations of the Cross – a time when Catholics gather to remember and participate in the Passion of Jesus Christ. The Passion was the final period of Christ's life in Jerusalem. It spans from when He arrived in Jerusalem to when He was crucified. It is a time for us to reflect and then to celebrate new life as we rejoice in the risen Christ on Easter Sunday.
Interschool Swimming Carnival
On Wednesday, March 27th, Mr Gaby, Miss Whitby and Miss O'Brien took our Interschool Swimming Team to compete at the Aquarena against Geraldton Grammar, St Francis, St John's, & Geraldton Christian College. Congratulations to all our swimmers for their dedication and terrific efforts. Thanks to the teachers and staff who trained and supported our team on the day. Final results were:
1st: STLPS! (1032)
2nd: Geraldton Grammar (981)
3rd: St Francis (933)
4th: Geraldton Christian College (702)
5th: St John's (625)
Congratulations to the fellow students who won individual awards :
Julian G - Yr 4 Champion Boy
Tom S - Yr 5 Champion Boy
Isabella S - Yr 5 Runner up Champion Girl
Charlee F - Yr 6 Champion Girl
We are very proud of your efforts.
Easter Egg Raffle
Congratulations to all those who received an Easter prize from the P & F Easter Egg Raffle.
Thank you to the P & F volunteers who organised, collected, wrapped and delivered the Easter eggs to our winners. A special thanks to all who contributed through donating eggs and buying tickets.
I would like to extend a special Easter blessing to all our families:
Gracious God, as we reflect on Easter,
may we carry Your love and redemption in our hearts.
Guide us in living out the Easter message daily
and sharing Your light with the world. Amen.
And wish everyone a safe, happy, holy easter and restful April school holiday.
We look forward to seeing everyone back on Tuesday April 16th.
Take care and God bless,
Mrs Donna Kempton
Religious Education News
Holy Week: Palm Sunday
Palm Sunday commemorates the entrance of Christ into Jerusalem, during which palm branches were placed in his path, before his arrest on Holy Thursday and his crucifixion on Good Friday. It thus marks the beginning of Holy Week, the final week of Lent.
Dear Lord,
As we enter this Holy Week, renew our minds and spirits. Let the story of Jesus's entry into Jerusalem inspire us to welcome him into our hearts anew. May the palms we wave symbolize our commitment to follow him more closely, to live lives of service and compassion, just as he taught us.
Fruit of the Spirit Focus - Patience
When the Bible speaks of patience, particularly as one of the fruits of the Spirit, and as one of the characteristics of love, it speaks of it as a virtue that goes far beyond the mere ability to await some future gain. It involves more than the rest or peace of the soul that trusts in God's perfect timing.
Administration News
School Photos
A reminder that school photos will take place on the 8th and 9th May (Week 4). Information from MSP Photography will be made available early in Term 2. A school schedule will also be uploaded into our usual channels of communication.
3YO Kindy
Community Notices
We would like to congratulate Beatrice (Madame) on winning the Australian Nationals Rock and Roll Dance Championship!
WA Student Assistance Payment