Newsletter 1-7th February 2025
Principal's Page
Dear Parents and Guardians,
Welcome Back
We welcome you all to the start of a new school year. We hope you had a joyous Christmas and welcomed in the New Year with family and friends. In talking to my staff over the last couple of weeks, I can assure you they are well rested, re-energised and ready for the challenges and many successes that will come throughout the year.
New Staff
Please join me in welcoming our new staff to St Lawrence's:
- Bianca Oliveri - Year 4T class teacher
- Shanae McGuire - Year 2B class teacher
- Keely Anderson - PPG class teacher
- Christi Jerovich - K-2 HPE teacher
- Lisa Dunn - PPT teacher (Friday)
- Kasie Godenzie - education assistant
- Amanda Jones - special needs education assistant
- Caitlin McConnaughty - special needs education assistant
- Haylee Farrell - special needs education assistant
- Jessie Quarrington - grounds man (Term 1)
- Ruby Varley - admin assistant (gap year student)

New Students
Let's also welcome our 40 x 3 year olds starting next week, 90 x 4 year olds and the following Yr1-6 students who are new to St Lawrence's:
- Maya S - LT
- Cleo C - PPT
- Milovoy B - 1G
- Ivy R - 2G
- Jesse I - 2G
- Penelopi F - 2T
- Jett S - 2T
- Darcy J - 2T
- Alaia B - 3B
- Belle D - 3B
- Noah B - 3B
- Ruby B - 3T
- Daniel L - 4B
- Abbey V - 4G
- Leilani B - 5B
- River I - 5G
- Savio W - 5G
- Hunter R - 5T
- Yomik N - 6B
- Hollie C - 6B
- James L - 6B
- Petrus L - 6T
- Gabriel W - 6T
Commissioning Mass
On Saturday 15 February at 6pm in the St Lawrence’s Church we will be having our annual School/Parish Commissioning Mass. Everyone is invited to this special mass where Bishop Michael will bless all of our school staff, students, parents, ministry leaders, P&F, school advisory council for the coming school year. The Semester One Year 6 Student Leadership Positions and Head Boy and Girl will also receive their blessed badges.
We hope that many of you will be able to attend.
2025 Catholic School Improvement Plan Goals
Each year in close consultation with all of the St Lawrence's staff we develop our Catholic School Improvement Plan (CSIP). The plan provides broad goals and success factors for 2025 based on the 4 pillars of Quality Catholic Education. Please find the 7 goals for 2025 listed below.
Catholic Identity
View prayer spaces throughout the school.
Raise Literacy and Numeracy Standards to meet National Benchmarks.
Refine assessment analysis and response.
St Lawrence's Early Years Philosophy visible and alive in our school.
Improve communication practices within the school community.
Improve student engagement & wellbeing.
Provide opportunities for increased staff involvement in school improvement.
Don’t Forget:
Our fortnightly newsletter has very important information for our parents. Our school webpage is also regularly updated and has a wealth of information including important dates, school events and notes. Also, you can follow us on Facebook and Instagram. Ask to join the closed parent facebook page and second-hand uniform page to stay in touch.
- School Webpage –
School Facebook Page – - Parent Facebook Page –
- Second-hand Uniform Facebook Page –
- School Instagram Page - @stlawrencesprimaryschool
Or download the Schoolzine App - SZAPP (Code 2733) which is your one stop shop for:
- Newsletter
- Absentee Form
- Website
- Seesaw
- School Calendar
- QuickCliq Canteen Ordering
Happy Days
David Tunchon
Religious Education News

Fruit of the spirit
"What the Spirit brings is different; love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, trustfulness, gentleness and self-control." Galatians 5:22
Our 'Fruit of the Spirit' focus for this fortnight is Love.
The fruit of Love allows us to care for others and not expect anything in return.
We can show love by doing selfless acts for other people.

Administration News
Before School
A reminder that Before School Supervision begins at 8:15am.
Year 1 & 2 students remain in the Undercover Area
Year 3 & 4 students are asked to move to outside the Year 3 Rooms
Year 5 & 6 are asked to move to outside Year 5/6 Rooms

Personal Grooming and Hair Accessories:
- Black or teal hair ties or scrunchies
- Hair touching the collar is to be tied back
- Hair should be of a natural colour
- No extreme cuts or designs (including Bali braids, mullets, rattails, mowhawks, shaved or number 1 haircut styles)
- Hair is to be brushed or combed neatly whilst at school
Contact details
Please remember if contact details have changed, e.g., change of job, email, address etc. Please let the office know.

2025 Term dates
Term 1: Wed Feb 5- Fri April 11
Term 2: Mon April 28- Fri July 4
Term 3: Mon July 21- Fri Sept 26
Term 4: Tues Oct 14- Thurs Dec 12
2025 Pupil Free Days
Term 2: Monday 28th & Tuesday 29th April
Term 3: Monday July 21st & Friday 26th September
Term 4: Monday 13th October

Finance News
School Fee Statements
School fee statements for 2025 will be emailed out to all families early next week.
Payment Option Form
All families are required to complete and return the payment option form to us by the 21st February at the latest. You can email this to or drop it in to the office.
Early Settlement Discount
If you pay your account in full by 7th March, you will receive a 5% Early Settlement Discount on the tuition component of your fees (excluding concession card discount recipients & 3YO Kindy fees).
If you will be paying by BPAY, please pay a minimum of 3 days prior to the 7th March to ensure your payment arrives before the cut-off date.
Due Date
All fees are due to be settled by November 14th 2025, unless you have a payment plan in place.
Extension Levy
An Extension Levy has been introduced to our fee structure – this is an additional one-off fee of $50 per student, applicable only to students participating in Extension programs this year. This will be billed once extension classes are finalised.
Contact details
If you have moved home recently, or have a new phone number or email address, please let us know so we can ensure your contact details are kept up-to-date.
No Statement?
If you haven't received a statement from us by Wednesday 12th Feb, please contact us on 9968 2000. (Don’t forget to check your 'junk' inbox)
Office News

Community Notices